1 Nephi 2:7

“And it came to pass that he built an altar of stones, and made an offering unto the Lord, and gave thanks unto the Lord our God.”

What offering would Lehi have given? Perhaps a thanks offering? (Leviticus 7:12) Whatever the offering, it would have been done without a priest present to consume the offering. We know Lehi is a descendant of Joseph, not a Levite. The offering would have been one of the best of his flock.

This is a true sacrifice for a family who has fled their wealth and is living amongst strange people in a strange land, not knowing whether they would have enough to survive. Giving of our wealth to the Lord is a way of recognizing that all that we have comes from Him.

Today, that’s called tithing and fast offering, and often more importantly, our time. Its not too hard to pay tithing when things are going well. How would you do if you knew you didn’t have enough money to pay the bills. Would you still give the Lord His due? I see lots of people with faith to do this and they always pull out in the end with the Lord’s help. Generally, in time, the Lord blesses them with wealth.

The Book of Mormon is clearly teaching us already in the first 2 chapters of 1 Nephi that clinging to monetary gain and worldly possessions is not the way to a spiritual existence, even though those things tend to come to those who obey God’s commandments.

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