1 Nephi 1:1

“I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents, therefore I was taught somewhat in all the learning of my father;”

“This passage has evoked many discourses on the value of good parents, though it is not that to which Nephi was making reference. The use of this text for that purpose is nevertheless most appropriate. Few of life’s treasures are of greater value than righteous parents. What Nephi was explaining, however, was his ability to write, something not common in his day.

That which enabled him to be taught in the “learning of his fathers” was the social station of his family. Lehi was a man of sufficient means so that his family could enjoy the blessings of education. The text is a testimonial for the spiritual blessings that flow from the proper use of this world’s wealth.” – Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, vol 1, Jospeh Fielding McConkie

The very first verse of scripture in the Book of Mormon refers to money/wealth. Nephi’s being born of “goodly parents” refers to his family’s wealth and social standing, which enabled his Father and himself to obtain an education. It is a testimony from Nephi of the value of the proper use of worldly wealth and the “good things of the Earth”. Will our children report that we put our wealth to good use?

One Response to “Goodly Parents = Wealthy Parents”

  • Robin:

    I love this explanation. I was starting at thwarting beginning of the Book of Mormon with my girls and was trying to explain this idea to them. I will have to read this to them so they can understand it better and know that it’s good to have wealth if you use it wisely… For righteous learning and progress in our talents/God’s gifts to us.

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