1 Nephi 2:13

“they [Laman and Lemuel] were like unto the Jews who were at Jerusalem, who sought to take away the life of my father.”

They complained against Lehi saying he was a visionary man… but I doubt that was the real issue. They were concerned about leaving their precious things and cozy lifestyle. Lehi being visionary was just in the way of their things. Perhaps their lust for money and wealth left them thinking if they destroy their father, the inheritance would be theirs and this silly game of leaving Jerusalem will be over.

Love of money can distort our views and make us justify even the most heinous of crimes. Besides, there’s safety in numbers; Jerusalemites were going to do it, why not them?

Unfortunately, we see in the scriptures, even from the beginning, that lust for money has been a problem. Cain killed Abel, in part, so that Abel’s flocks would fall into Cain’s hands. Jesus was betrayed for silver. Even in modern day, Joseph’s life was in constant danger while he possessed the plates, for their monetary value. How many deaths still occur today over money and wealth? Too many.

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