I received an email from a friend with a transcript of Elder Boyd K Packer speaking at a testimony meeting on Oct 12.

However, I have removed the attachment after reading further here: Comments from another blogger who called church headquarters about it, and having received a number of emails through regular church channels suggesting that the comments were not accurate.

3 Responses to “Elder Packer Warns of Coming Catastrophe”

  • Bob:

    This is an obviously made up “testimony.” First, since it was spoken spur of the moment, no one would have a transcript. Second, a General Authority would never scold the bishop in front of the ward like that.

    Please don’t spread false warnings when the real warnings are so much more critical to heed.

  • Andrew:

    First, whenever an apostle speaks, even in Utah, people take careful notes (look around during conference next time). ESPECIALLY, then the apostle says that he’s moved by the spirit to speak.
    Second, I read the talk. He does NOT scold the Bishop in front of his ward. He simply explains that those days are over within the church.
    Having shown that your analysis is flawed, I’m not sure myself that the talk is genuine–but I just cannot agree on your analysis.

  • Eric Poulin:

    I completely agree with Andrew. Taking notes when an Apostle speak is expected. Also, although I’ve removed the attachment, I believe the transcript is mostly correct. From what I’ve read about the circumstances and comment from Elder Packer’s office, they did not deny everything, just a few points were noted as inaccurate. This means to me that most of it is accurate and the gist of the message is intact.

    I know from experience that General Conference messages are a somewhat watered-down version of what individual groups get. When I was a missionary (and this is confirmed with a number of friends) and a visiting authority spoke to us it was firm, direct, pointed and powerful. Now don’t get me wrong, I LOVE conference talks, but they are very watered down in terms of directness and poignancy.

    As for scolding a Bishop… it wasn’t much of a scolding, and I can TOTALLY see Elder Packing saying what was reported.

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