1 Nephi 4:20-24

“And after I had done this, I went forth unto the treasury of Laban…. And I also spake unto him that I should carry the engravings, which were upon the plates of brass, to my elder brethren, who were without the walls.”

Nephi is a hero in so many ways. He obeys the Spirit and kills Laban, on the spur of the moment comes up with the plan to dress as Laban and then goes towards the treasury Zoram, Laban’s servant. But once in the treasury, he doesn’t take anything else of value.

Remember Laban had just stolen Lehi’s property. It was not likely in Laban’s treasury (yet) but it would have been tit-for-tat for Nephi to take some of Laban’s things to balance things out what Laban had stolen. But Nephi demonstrates true character by taking only that which the Lord commanded; the brass plates.

Can we truly be in the world but not of the world? Would you have kept your mind and heart only on those things that were commanded and not be distracted and taken only the plates as did Nephi? Had Nephi allowed himself to be seduced by wealth and taken his eye off the goal, most likely their whole escape plan would have been foiled, leading to a tragic Mosaic Law end for all of them. We too must not let the pursuit of wealth take our eyes off the goal.

I had a rememberance/realization today that our purpose here on Earth – big picture – is to learn by faith to keep the commandments, to obtain salvation by knowledge and overcoming our obstacles by following the Saviour. The things in between, decisions we make everyday can futher that goal or hinder it. How frequently do we lose sight of the goal and pursue other things. Often we blame careers for lack of time with family, service in church or community, etc… This time on Earth is just a spec – so we really can’t afford to be distracted from the goal.

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