1 Nephi 5:10

“And after they had given thanks unto the God of Israel, my father, Lehi, took the records which were engraven upon the plates of brass, and he did search them from the beginning.”

Lehi has just had his sons return from their near escape from death from Jerusalem and their experience with Laban. Nephi delivers to his father the brass plates, the object of their design in returning to Jerusalem. These records, which had been the cause of such worry to Sariah and the subject of a revelation and commandment from the Lord that they must be brought with them… are set aside as Lehi first gives thanks unto the Lord.

How many of us would have picked up the plates and began to read through them almost immediately after ensuring everyone’s safety? But Lehi shows us a better way.

First give thanks for what the Lord has provided, then consume it. We have been taught this same pattern in saying grace before meals. Do we give thanks for the incomes that we are able to earn through the providence of the Lord? It is Him that grants us the health, skill and and ability to work in our vocation. Do we give thanks to Him before we run off spending our pay check or paying our bills? Do partners give thanks for the job their spouses have before they think of buying themselves or the children something?

The Lord tell us in other scripture that in the last days we shall become unthankful (2 Tim 3:2). Can we expect the Lords blessing unless we are truly thankful for the things we receive at His hand (everything). We can all take a lesson from Lehi’s example as a principle of personal finance, that we should give thanks to the Lord for all we receive, then set aside our sacrifice (tithing, fast offering) before we consume the gift of our income.

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