1 Nephi 8:1

“And it came to pass that we had gathered together all manner of seeds of every kind, both of grain of every kind, and also of the seeds of fruit of every kind.”

Food storage and emergency preparation are evident from the very early beginnings of the Book of Mormon. This becomes a personal finance topic because, in order to be prepared, we have to have planned our finances in a way to obtain food storage, and also have a store of money that we can get at if an emergency occurs.

I always look at an emergency scenario as worst case. Lets say all electricity is gone and a true emergency has happened. Most people will go into shock.

Store owners will keep operating their stores out of duty, at least for a while, but there will be no credit or debit cards accepted. Cash will be valuable for the first few weeks, until people realize that its just paper, and you can’t eat it to stay alive. So… its your emergency supply of money (cash) that, judiciously and quickly spent on needed supplies, will help keep you and your family alive.

Of course, the more prudent scenario is not so drastic, and the money supply will help maintain your quality of life while adjusting to temporary unemployment, or a temporary decline in the economy (such as now). I’m thankful for the Book of Mormon teaching this principle and for the emphasis that modern prophets has given to this subject.

Like Lehi’s family, we need to be prepared should the occasion arise that we need to pick up and go. We’ll see this theme empahsized over many times in the Book of Mormon.

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