1 Nephi 17:4

Lehi's Journey

Lehis Journey in the Wilderness

“And we did sojourn for the space of many years, yea, even eight years in the wilderness.”

I find it hard to keep in perspective that Lehi and family were traveling in the wilderness desert of Arabia for 8 years. It always seems that they went quickly from Jerusalem to the American continent; but it took more than 8 years, because once arriving in Bountiful, they stayed there for a while, at least long enough to construct a ship, which probably took nearly a year.

We need to keep in mind that they were not just walking with a backpack and a canteen. They had animals, provisions, tents… Their women bore children, people died and were buried. It was a really long journey: in distance, time and emotional drain. I’m sure this time served as a purification period for them. Similar to the people of Moses wandering in the wilderness for 40 years before entering their promised land, they first needed to be purified and prepared. During this time we can only assume that they continued keeping the commandments and, despite that, they did not obtain their promised land any time soon.

We too are often prepared for the things that the Lord has in store for us. As Lehi’s family was to receive their promised land, and the relative wealth associated with it, we too must prepare for the wealth we may one day receive. What good would it do for us to become rich like many in the world and waste those resources on indulgence and self-gratification? We must learn to become more Christlike, and as we do, we’ll prepare ourselves for an eventual “promised land” and, if we have learned our lessons, we’ll manage the accompanying wealth appropriately, with a generous heart, seeking to bless the lives of others.

I have a goal to become wealthy. This goal is not just to have money for the sake of being rich and owning lots of toys and possessions. I want my family to be secure so we can spend more time together. I want to put myself in a position to be able to help others more – which means the freedom to use my time giving service, and building up others – not just working for my daily bread. I want to have a nice house, not just for my family, but to share with others, to hold activities there, to share the gospel with others there. I want to serve another mission with my wife. All these things require a store of money that can be relied on – and put to good use. That is one of my major goals and, God willing, we’ll accomplish it. I’m now in my preparation time, and I think I need it. I have things to overcome, and need to be able to appreciate a lower income to have proper empathy when I have means to assist others. Without this preparation, I would not be able to help properly, and the wealth may even destroy me. I certainly do not want riches before I ready to bare them. I do hope however, that I am preparing well enough that I won’t be preparing forever, “ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” (2 Tim. 3:7)

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