1 Nephi 16:11

Seeds of every kind

Seeds of every kind

“And it came to pass that we did gather together whatsoever things we should carry into the wilderness, and all the remainder of our provisions which the Lord had given unto us; and we did take seed of every kind that we might carry into the wilderness.”

Rather than bringing fruits and vegetables, they brought seeds. This indicates an intent to be in their new location for a long time, time enough to plant, grow and harvest. Seeds are a representation of future properity. They are an act in the “now” to prepare for a future.

Monetarily and finanically, we should likewise save for our future. Also, we should not just bury our savings under a matress, but save our money in a way that it can grow into something better and more useful in the future.

We should not invest our money in one place, but we should invest our future in a broad spectrum of places (seeds of every kind). This correlates with the financial advice to diversify one’s portfolio, having multiple streams of income.

Prophets have similarly warned us in our modern day to have some emergency savings and to prepare for our future. Perhaps its time to revisit your emergency savings and see how much supply you have.

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