...the Lord Spake unto me saying: Thou shalt construct a ship.
Lets get all metaphoric for a moment. The many waters (ocean) separate Nephi and family from the promised land. They can represent a trouble or challenge in our life separating us from our metaphorical “promised land”. The Lord wants to help us overcome this trouble and in fact, he comes right out and shows us how to do it. It saves not only us, but our family too.
If only life were that easy! If only God would show us how to overcome our financial troubles! Oh, wait a minute… He did 🙂
The law of tithing is a commandment with a promise. Don’t we want the windows of heaven opened for us? The same promise stands for the law of the fast. In these and other laws and commandments, God has spelled out for us exactly what details we should commit to in order to reach our promised land, both temporally and spiritually – both mortally and eternally. Sure there are bumps along the way – look what happened to Nephi as an example. However, Nephi did achieve the promised land, and I don’t think anyone would argue that, in the end, his reward was great.
Likewise, we will experience bumps along oiur journey, even though we are guided by he Lord Himself, but if we are true to His command, follow his instructions, we will get to our promised land, and hopefully our families will too, so long as they choose it.