...whither shall I go that I may find ore to molten...
“And I said: Lord, whither shall I go that I may find ore to molten, that I may make tools to construct the ship after the manner which thou hast shown unto me?
And it came to pass that the Lord told me whither I should go to find ore, that I might make tools.”
Joseph Fielding McConkie said about this and the surrounding verses, “It is a law of heaven that its powers are extended in behalf of man only in those instances and on those matters where the powers and mind of man are insufficient. God will bless the harvest, but man must clear the land, plow the ground, plant the seed, and tend the crop. God will not do for us that which we can do for ourselves. Nephi could molten ore, but only when God has helped him find it; he could build a ship to cross the ocean, but only when God has provided the blueprint. Such is the relationship between men and God.”
With some insight into Nephi’s history, I believe he probably made some attempts to find ore before asking the Lord for help. Finally, after exhausting his own efforts, he went to the Lord. Interestingly, he didn’t ask the Lord for the tools, only the raw materials so he could make what he needed himself.
Perhaps a modern likeness of this scripture would be some of the following:
- I’m starting a business/career to eventually have more time with my family. Where can I find customers willing to buy my product/service?
- I have made myself spiritually, mentally and physically worthy and I want to serve a mission, how can I find a job to pay my way?
- I have gone to school and gained some skills; where can I find work to support my family?
- You called me to serve as a youth leader and I have made efforts to get to know the youth… what activities can I plan that maximize the fun and learning opportunities, but will help them be unified and grow spiritually and be within budget?
- [insert countless other examples from your life here…]
Do not ask the Lord to do your work for you. Ask Him for help in gathering the raw materials so you can show your faith in accomplishing the tasks assigned to you and do the grunt work yourself. Once Nephi asked for help to find the ore, the scripture reports that the Lord simply told him where to go to find it. When we follow the pattern, putting in our own efforts and asking only for those things we truly cannot provide for ourselves, the Lord wastes no time to answer; He does not always put us through tests and trials. If we truly need something we cannot provide for ourselves to accomplish our tasks, He will provide it, if we ask in faith.
Also of note here, is Nephi’s work ethic. By not asking for the tools, or the ship, but only the raw materials, Nephi shows the Lord that he is willing to do the work necessary to complete the commandment to construct a ship. We too, need to be willing to put forth effort, even great effort as required, to accomplish our righteous goals.