This warning from a Batman costume is very telling.

Caution: Cape Does Not Enable User To Fly

One cannot simple put on church clothes and expect to be able to perform Priesthood duties with no other thought. It is not a white shirt and a tie that makes a Priesthood holder… it is personal worthiness, sacrifice and service.

I see it so often, even in my own life, where I put on the costume and act the role without giving real thought to the fact that I am acting as a representative of Jesus Christ. We don’t become the powerful priesthood holder by the way we dress or “act”, its through our actions, through choices we make when no one is looking, by consistent obedience and service. For my part, its time to up my game some; tighten up the loose ends in my life and make adjustments here and there to make sure I’m on the right path—and am not simply putting on the costume and acting the part, but being the part.

[Commence introspection here]

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