“Those who will not live by the Law, will die by the Law!” – Moses – 10 Commandments.

Law of Moses – strict law and strict punishments. Based on fear. Try to curb behavior by the knowledge of the consequential punishments of certain behaviors. This requires a very explicit list of behaviors and attendant punishments.

Christ brought a higher law. No specific punishments, except warnings that such punishments will be deferred and executed by God Himself in a final judgment. This model is based on developing love, which will eradicate bad behavior.
However, even among those who believe, those who have direct evidence of God’s existence and claim to know that He exists and lives, those who know of a final judgment – they still commit sin. Why? Is it because the temptation is so great? No, we are told that we will not be tempted above that which we are able to bear. What is it about individuals who claim to have such knowledge of God and feel devoted to Him, but who still commit sin, who chose to turn their hearts away from the Lord? Those who have felt the power of the atonement in their lives but still choose evil. We are they who try to love as Christ does, but sometimes we consciously choose darkness. Are we lazy in our minds/spirits? What steps can we take to purge evil behavior? We try, but time and time again, we return back to bad behavior. These people are addicted to sin. I think we all find ourselves in this profile to some degree.

Is everyone addicted to sin through routine behavior? How can one turn their life over to Christ?

These are interesting questions, but answering them, if there is an answer, will not solve my problem. The only way to solve my problem is to look to the Lord and give up my sins to Him. Only by learning of Him and becoming more like Him can I shed my sorrows and addictions. Seeking a scholarly answer to the reasons behind my behavior will not help me. The only thing that will help me is turning to the Lord.

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