Posts Tagged ‘mormon’
There is no such thing as darkness. Darkness is not a tangible thing you can touch, create, manipulate or otherwise perceive. There is only the absence of light, which we call darkness. Similarly, there is no such thing as emptiness… only lack of substance.
We can attempt to fill the void with false hope, temporary satisfaction or instant gratification, but, it will leave the soul after a short time, hungering again, desiring something that will last. The spark of light from a match will quickly burn out.
If we feel empty or dark, we simply need to fill our lives with the Light of Truth. Light dispels darkness… Does it take a while for darkness to disappear when light it present? No. Darkness isn’t a thing that needs to be moved out of the way, its just a word to describe the absence of light. Once light is present, darkness is no longer present – instantly.
In our minds, when we describe ourselves as having dark thoughts its really just a lack of Truth. The Light of Truth can rid our minds of darkness instantly. And what is the Light of Truth? Intelligence. (D&C 93:36). The scriptures tell us that the “… wicked one cometh and taketh away light and truth through disobedience” (D&C 93:39). Thus disobedience, or sin, diminished our light and truth, or in other words, reduces our access to infinite intelligence.
Satan’s goal is not to bring darkness, but rather to take away the light, or more specifically, to take us away from the light by causing us to be disobedient. However, we also read that “Light and truth forsake that evil one” (D&C 93:37). Or in other words, intelligence separates one from Satan. When Moses beheld the Saviour, and then was confronted by Satan, he said “where is the glory, for it is darkness unto me” (Moses 1:15) Or in other words, he did not have nearly the light or lustre that Christ has.
As we go though life we, at times, experience what feels like tangible darkness. But always it is simply a lack of light.
For example, imagine a beautiful blue sky, with some scattered fluffy white clouds. The sun shines bright. Think clearly about the colors, the pureness of the blue sky, the billowing white clouds, as though they where pure white snow or soft clean cotton balls.
Now imagine the sunset and the onset of night on that scene. Darkness falls over the world and now at midnight, what color is the sky? Now, what color are those clouds?
In fact, the sky is still blue, and the clouds are still white – they are as fluffy and pure as they were during the day, you just can’t see it, because the light of the sun is not shining on them for you to see clearly.
Sin is like voluntarily having the color taken from life, by turning from the light – inviting darkness to cover the beauty of Gods creations – the beauty of your soul, the clarity of your mind and spirit. But your mind, soul and spirit have not changed color. They are only clouded by darkness, a darkness which can be dispelled with an invitation of light.
When darkness is descending on me, can I see the light in that darkness? Can I believe deep enough to realize that in any time, in any place, God’s love can reach me, if I reach for it? How can I choose it when the darkness seems to overwhelm me – when my body strains to enter the darkness and my spirit takes a backseat.
The light of Christ, through repentance, is ever willing to shine upon you to restore you to your full beauty. The gospel of Christ is that He has overcome our sin, paid the price and made it possible for us to return to Him. His light is contingent on our asking for it, in submitting our will to Him – the only true gift we can offer to God. Under your individual clouds of darkness, you are beautiful, and pure and clean. Christ invites us to come unto him by repenting of our sins, and by doing so His light will shine upon us, our darkness will disappear and we will be restored to full color, to our full beauty.
Never come to believe that you are inherently ugly or dark. We only ever lack the light of the Lord to dispel any darkness on our soul.
Too many of us live our lives in the twilight… Where the sun is just below the horizon; we still see the light, but there are many shadows and not everything is seen as it really it.
As we open the door to redemption, we can look up at the blackened sky and exclaim as the lyricist:
night descends
could I have been a better person?
if I could only do it all again
and the sky is filled with light
can you see it?
all the black is really white
if you believe it
as the time is running out
let me take away your doubt
we can find a better a place
in this twilight
Come forth from the twilight of your life and invite the Light of Christ into your heart. Let His light shine forth upon you and live your life lit by the noon day glory of Jesus Christ.
I invite the light of the Lord to shine upon me. May I recognize, even in my own personal darkness, that any blackness I see is really white if I but choose to move into the light. May the light of the Lord ever shine upon us all, and may we ever choose to make that happen.
Let me start by saying that there are many people who would have us shaken from our faith. There are those who don’t understand why we believe and fight against what they don’t undestand. There are those who do understand us and fight even harder to destroy us. Let me just say that the adversary is very real and would shake us from any faith in God, and all the more so when faith is founded on true principles. During my conversion I read nearly all of the anti-Mormon material that was available and found it all to be rubbish.
I had a conversion that – to me – really anchored me in my faith. It’s not a really exciting story and doesn’t sound interesting unless you lived it as I have… So, I thought rather than tell my conversion story, it might be more interesting to talk about why I continue to believe – on a week to week, day to day basis. Why do I have a faith that drives me to action and causes me to live my life in a way that many would consider constrained?
One of the ways I like to set up a persuasive argument is to first set the stage for the opposing view and then explain why that reasoning is faulty. I figured we could try that in my brief remarks. Let me set the stage for one reason why I might not be compelled to believe, in fact, why it’s so inconvenient to believe and then I’ll talk about why I bother exert the time and effort to continually overcome these real concerns.
As some of you know I am an employee turned entrepreneur. I am trying to get 3 businesses off the ground which keeps me more than fully occupied. To put it lightly, time is a premium resource for me – as in there isn’t enough of it. Until these businesses are actually making money, anything that takes time from this work makes me feel like I am not providing for my family. For this reason, I tend to be very selfish and guarded with my time.
As we all know being a member of this church is not without its time commitments. Many of you will remember that I served as Bishop for 5 years before our current Bishop. That is a HUGE time commitment. After that I was working with the youth, which while it’s a very rewarding responsibility, the time commitments were also quite large. I was recently called to a responsibility that doesn’t take up too much of my time, however, at the same time, Robin was been called to a responsibility that takes even more time than my previous calling used to take, which results in me having less time for work than I used to – since time when she is gone with her responsibilities I am alone in charge of our 5 girls – and you can imagine how I don’t end up getting much work done when that happens 🙂
Add that to the time it takes to do Home Teaching, attend Relief Society meetings, Priesthood meeting, trainings, activity girls, primary activities, lesson prep, scripture study, and never working on Sundays…. that’s a LOT of time required for active membership in the church. That’s a lot of time that my competitors are working on building their businesses and I cannot.
Yet, week after week, I never work on Sundays, I attend these meetings, try to magnify my calling and support Robin in her calling. Why? I often ask myself this very question 🙂
The answer is – it’s a matter of perspective and priority.
My faith gives me many unique perspectives different from the average person. Even different from other Christians, but hopefully common amongst members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I’ll review just 3 of them that immediately came to mind.
PERSPECTIVE #1) I know that God has a plan for all of us. As part of that plan I know I am here on Earth to go through some trials and to prove to myself whether or not I merit a greater reward. This perspective helps me know that true success is not found in the accumulation of wealth, the creation of amazing products, or in anything I can create with my hands or skill. True success is achieved by living my life in a way that is in harmony with Gods Laws and His plan for me. Having an eye single to the glory of WORK is not going to get me where I truly want to go. I need an eye single to the glory of God. This knowledge comes with it specific responsibilities, such as living how I know I should and teaching my family these things. It should also be telling others about this truth that I know. I invited about 30 people to attend tonight. As we can see by looking around, not everyone is looking for truth…
PERSPECTIVE 2) I know that my relationship with my wife and family is an eternal one. Unlike others who may feel like relationships exist only to satisfy personal gratification and when things get a little rough, you can just move on to the next temporary gratification, I know that these relationships are to be nurtured, constantly cared for and worthy of sacrifice. These relationships will last for eternity and decisions I make day to day will affect that relationship. It’s one that I cannot and will not simply cancel. I know that rough times are part of my test and enduring them well while helping my family endure well will be a blessing to me for all time. When difficulties arise in a relationship, never is divorce, separation or other such things even an option. This perspective makes me work on solutions to problems, makes me work on effective communication and conflict resolution rather than fighting and dreaming of freedom from a hard problem. In fact, because of this perspective, I rarely have any disputations at all. A little perspective goes a long way.
PERSPECTIVE 3) I know that God is not dead, but lives, and is a continual source of inspiration and direction for me – so long as I live my life in a way that allows me to tap into that communication.
A recent example that demonstrates a process that has happened over and over again for me.
Recently, we sold our home to fund further development and nurturing of our business endeavors. This was a HUGE decision for us, one that would affect our entire families future and needless to say we were very anxious about it. After considering the options and coming to what we felt was the right decision, we held a family council, explaining to the kids what we were thinking. This meant a school change for them and moving to a new neighborhood, so their feedback and support was essential. They all agreed with us. Together we had a prayer to help us know if this decision would be right for us and then we went on our way. Not 30 seconds later, I had a wash of peaceful calm wash over me, which I know was an answer from God indicating that we had come to a good decision. Then we moved forward without reservation. This self-same experience has happened at every major decision point in my adult life. God truly does direct us if we let Him. Inspiration from God is very real and I both appreciate and depend on it to help me make good choices. I know that God has not put me here to fail, but to succeed and He wants me to be successful and guides me to that end. This perspective makes me want to live my life in such a way as to qualify for this guidance. To qualify for this guidance I follow His plan and keep his commandments.
These 3 perspectives, along with others we don’t have time to discuss, change the priorities I have in life.
When I have urges to work instead of do those things I should be doing, I remember the famous saying that “No success can compensate for failure in the home.” Or, put another way… At your funeral no one is going to comment on how you were at work every day and did such quality work. Our legacy is how we live. These perspectives help me properly prioritize my life.
I continue to believe because I know that these perspectives are true and correct – and I allow these perspectives to guide my priorities. Over the past 3-4 years, I’ve spent a lot of time studying self-development material – all of which completely agrees with the tenets of the gospel of Jesus Christ which I know and love. It is amazing to me that so much self-development material takes pieces of what Jesus taught and focuses on small parts of it. I love what President Hinckley once said when being interviewed – In the church we welcome all truth and say to all – bring your truth to us and let’s see if we can add to it.
Many people get socially converted to the gospel before a spiritual one. I personally do not have a high need for social interaction, however, the examples of the many faithful people around me inspire me to do more, to be better… and I know that my family is continually blessed by all of you.
For these reasons and a compelling inner sense of right and direction, I continue to believe.
But behold, I have obtained a land of promise, in the which things I do rejoice; yea, and I know that the Lord will deliver my sons out of the hands of Laban, and bring them down again unto us in the wilderness. (1 Nephi 5:5)
Here – Lehi is responding to complaints from his wife Sariah who was obviously worried that her sons had perished on their journey back to Jerusalem. It probably took weeks. I love Lehi’s faith language here. He says “I have obtained a land of promise.” Now, they are in the wilderness… that was definitely not the land of promise. But, he knew the Lord’s word was good and so in his mind, he had already obtained it by his obedience and his obvious commitment to continued obedience.
We should also speak thusly about our goals… as if we have already obtained them – its just a matter of time, obedience and action to achieve them.
This warning from a Batman costume is very telling.
Caution: Cape Does Not Enable User To Fly
One cannot simple put on church clothes and expect to be able to perform Priesthood duties with no other thought. It is not a white shirt and a tie that makes a Priesthood holder… it is personal worthiness, sacrifice and service.
I see it so often, even in my own life, where I put on the costume and act the role without giving real thought to the fact that I am acting as a representative of Jesus Christ. We don’t become the powerful priesthood holder by the way we dress or “act”, its through our actions, through choices we make when no one is looking, by consistent obedience and service. For my part, its time to up my game some; tighten up the loose ends in my life and make adjustments here and there to make sure I’m on the right path—and am not simply putting on the costume and acting the part, but being the part.
[Commence introspection here]
Stephen Palmer, from God’s Laws of Finance sent this link on Sunday. Its a great talk from Brigham Young from 1863, where he talks about tithing and how money affects us. Here’s a snippet:
“I could have made this whole people rich long ago if I had possessed their confidence, as I should, but if I had made them rich, through the blessings of the Lord, I expect it would have destroyed them.”
Have a read through the talk – time really hasn’t changed the way to think about money has it?
I changed the scoring mechanism in the Book of Mormon Game yesterday. Its now much easier to play, telling you when you have the right book, and then when guessing the chapter, tells you you need to guess higher or lower until you get it right.
There is a 20 second penalty for each incorrect guess, so it remains competitive for those who really know their stuff, but “playable” for anyone who wants to sharpen their skills and get to know the Book of Mormon better.
Also, the reading tab is going to be updated soon so you can have a place to track your reading and auto-start where you left off.I’m hoping to complete that in the next 2 weeks!
I’ve been studying a lot about faith recently and I’ve discovered a fresh perspective on having Faith in Jesus Christ that I’d like to share.
As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we should be experts on the subject of faith. We can quote scriptures to describe it, such as:
Hebrews 11:1
“…faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
Ether 12:6
“…faith is things which are hoped for and not seen…”
Alma 32:21
“faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true.”
Joseph Smith, the latter-day prophet described faith as a
“principle of power, the moving cause of all action.”
Another writer in the early 1900s named Napolean Hill who spent 30 years studying the most successful people in America, said,
“Faith is the only agency through which the power of God can be harnessed and used by man” (T&GR)
We are constantly told we need be in possession of this stuff called “faith” and that we should be striving to develop and increase it…, but do we really understand what it is? Why is faith a principle of power, and exactly how do we go about getting it?
The standard primary answers (read the scriptures, pray, attend church) don’t explain why those activities can lead to faith and those activities don’t always lead to increased faith if we don’t understand the principle at work. Read the rest of this entry »
“Behold, my soul is rent with anguish because of you, and my heart is pained; I fear lest ye shall be cast off forever. Behold, I am full of the Spirit of God, insomuch that my frame has no strength.
And now it came to pass that when I had spoken these words they were angry with me, and were desirous to throw me into the depths of the sea; and as they came forth to lay their hands upon me I spake unto them, saying: In the name of the Almighty God, I command you that ye touch me not, for I am filled with the power of God, even unto the consuming of my flesh; and whoso shall lay his hands upon me shall wither even as a dried reed; and he shall be as naught before the power of God, for God shall smite him.
And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto them that they should murmur no more against their father; neither should they withhold their labor from me, for God had commanded me that I should build a ship.”
There are a few examples in scripture where being so consumed by the Spirit of God causes people to lose their natural strength. Think of Lehi who after his first vision was so exhausted, he “cast himself upon his bed” (1 Nephi 1:6-7). Think also of they Ammon was teaching King Limhi and when he prayed, the King fell as if he were dead and they even considered burying him (Alma 18:40-42). There are other examples, but suffice it to say that the power of God can have a great effect on a human body. This coupled with the anguish and emotional stress Nephi was feel about his own brothers surely caused him to feel very physically weak. Laman and Lemuel apparently saw this opportunity to overpower him and be rid of his chastisement by drowning him, but Nephi called upon that same power that had weakened him to protect him. While threatening his brethren with sudden death by the power of God should they try to touch him, he commanded them to shape up so they could all ship out (pun intended).
I remember as a Bishop being so worried about some of the members in my congregation for various reasons that I actually felt sick and weak. I admit that at times when praying for them, or in counsel with my counselors about them, I’ve become overcome by the Spirit with concern for them and felt weakened. I’m sure Bishops all over the world have similar experiences. Now I try to think,
“Am I being like Laman and Lemuel?”
“Do I desire to destroy my Bishop by undermining him, mocking or making light of his suggestions?”
“Am I guilty of withholding my labor or murmuring?”
Think about the last candid talk your Bishop gave. I think its pretty rare to hear a Bishop speak on a topic for no reason, just to fill time. Bishop generally speak with purpose, so listen up when they speak. When they speak about the importance of tithing or fast offerings, consider where you stand in those matters. Consider how you can serve others to make their burdens lighter. We know that time is money… so giving of your time can be a hard thing to do. In fact, whenever I go out with the missionaries to a scheduled appointment it feels like we are always stood up — people just aren’t there. I never consider this a waste of my time however, believing that the Lord pays hourly, not on commission. Giving freely of your time, talents and labor is generally a good thing. Lets listen to our leaders pleadings with us. Its unlikely they will threaten us like Nephi had to, but they will chastise, warn, prod and encourage us to do better. Don’t resent it, take it as a blessing that someone is looking out for you and cares enough to correct you before you become like Laman and Lemuel… it happens to too many of us.

"but time and chance happeneth to them all"
“Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.
I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.”
The bible dictionary explains that the first verse in this citation is not a doctrinal pronouncement that after death there is nothing –rather, this is a worldly view – people “under the sun” believe that.
This scripture tells us that whatever vocation we choose (whatever we do with our hands) we should do our best, and put our energies into it. It also explains that no matter how smart you may be, how hard or fast your work, no matter how skilled or what brilliant ideas you may have, success comes and goes as a matter of chance. A friend of mine believes that wealth is a blessing of the Lord that is given to certain individuals and not to others, whether you strive for it or not. He explains how some wealthy, with the craziest bumbling ideas you can imagine, seem to make a tidy fortune despite themselves. alternatively, I’m sure we all know others who seems to have brilliant ideas and excellent work ethic, but never quite attain to any financial success – and teeter on the edge of poverty for their whole lives.
I personally agree with this line of thought to the extent that the Lord does bless some of us with wealth and other not. I believe that as we are obedient, more often than not, the Lord does bless us with prosperity, which often manifests itself as financial success, but this is not a hard and fast rule. In the general this applies, but specifically the case may be different, depending on what the Lord has planned for you.

The Book of Mormon Game interface
Today I launched the Book of Mormon Game (, a new, completely free, online audio scripture chase game.
It’s a fun and competitive game which reads the Book of Mormon to you from a random place and you have to find where its reading from and race against a timer. Your scores will show along with ward/stake members. This game can help you become more familiar with the Book of Mormon and is a fun way to get in your daily scripture “reading”.