Posts Tagged ‘reading chart’

Book of Mormon Reading Chart

Book of Mormon Reading Chart

I created this Book of Mormon Reading Chart to help my family track our progress as we meet our Bishop’s challenge this year to read the whole Book of Mormon. Normally this is an easy goal, but doing it together as a family, with young children, is a much greater challenge. We’re going to be reading 1 chapter every night, which should give us plenty of time to complete it in time. A graphic designer in my ward, Jason Sturgeon, spiced up my original format and made it into a bookmark-ish size. Here’s the original full-page format.

I also occasionally use to use a variation on this chart – a chronological reading of the Book of Mormon (this version is not spiced up).

We post this up in our main family room so it serves 2 purposes:

  1. It is a visual reminder to do our daily reading and show where we are and
  2. Its also a missionary tool… lots who come in ask about it and its a good opportunity for us introduce the Book of Mormon to people.

What techniques do you use to keep your family motivated in scripture reading?
